Patch PE & RS V 1.99 R6

Patch for PE & RS V 1.99 R 6 | Size File 31 Kb

Software PE Explorer Dan resource turner pasti sudah tidak asing buat temen temen yang yang menyukai buat otak atik suatu program,,,

PE Explorer PE Explorer provides powerful tools for disassembly and inspection of unknown binaries, editing the properties of executable files and customizing and translating their resources. Use this product to do reverse engineering, analyze the procedures and libraries an executable uses.Resource Tuner Resource Tuner is a PE Explorer spin-off product that is used solely to visually edit resources in 32-bit Windows programs. If you just need to view, edit and replace resources in the file - strings, bitmaps, logos and icons, choose Resource Tuner.

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6 komentar:

mana key nya bos..? masih TRIAL nie..

ok ok wait lagi di buatin nih keygennya

ko gak bisa bang, masih trial

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