Du Super Controler with crack

Super DU Controller merupakan bandwidth management tools. Yang berguna untuk membatasi bandwidth internet. Tools ini cocok anda pergunakan di warnet atau kantor ataupun jika anda seorang administrator jaringan. Software ini dapat berjalan sendiri dan tidak memerlukan server. Anda hanya tinggal install tiap client atau pada komputer yang ingin anda atur bandwidthnya. Program ini di lengkapi dengan password untuk membukanya, Jadi hanya anda yang tahu password yang bisa merubahnya.
  • Easy control over download and upload speed for your internet connection
  • Limit download and upload speed for any application and connection that use TCP/IP. All controls in this program are designed to make it simplest possible in use
  • Download prioritizing prevents upload from degrading the download performance.
  • Network traffic to and from your local network is unaffected and therefore your Microsoft Windows
  • Automatic and manual control of IC sharing for computers on you local network
    All computers get their fair share of the Internet Connection which they are sharing. This means that if any computer is idle or even switched off the others get to use all available bandwidth. And when all are switched on and using internet badwidth shares are updated in real time to reflect the needs of every single computer.
  • Control speeds based on classes of network traffic (download, interactive, realtime)
    Enables you to surf on internet with comfortable speed while you are download/uploading something in the background
Multilingual support
  • Norsk
  • Svenska
  • Dansk
  • Italiano
  • EspaƱol
  • Polski
  • French
  • German

5 komentar:

Registerkey nya paan bang :D Lupa gw :D

cara reset passwordnya bgimane gan?

kalau lupa password.nya gimana ..
bisa di bobol gk ..
klu di uninstal gk bisa malah nge-restart ..
mohon bantuan.nya ..

Klo mw di reset,
Tinggal di end task aja prosesnya lwt task man!
Trus uninstal!

mas boss...DUSuperControler 1.9 ini gak bs jln di WIN 8 yaa???

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